Coffee & Content - Affordable Tools for Cinematic Filmmaking & Chef Breaks down Cooking Scenes in Movies

Coffee & Content - Affordable Tools for Cinematic Filmmaking & Chef Breaks down Cooking Scenes in Movies

Happy Sunday Creative Army!
Welcome to August. How was your July? What did you create? I have some great content for you this Summer Sunday that is guaranteed to stir up some creativity. Grab your coffee and let's dive in.
First up, YouTuber ponysmasher (aka David F. Sandberg, Director of Shazam!, Annabelle: Creation, & Lights Out) has put together an awesome video detailing the tools he uses to make his movies - plus even cheaper alternatives that still give you a cinematic look and feel. David breaks down the tools he uses from screenwriting and storyboarding in pre-production to camera lens and lighting equipment, all the way to editing software, tips, and tricks.
Next up, if you follow me on Instagram, you know I have a deep love of food and cooking. So naturally, this next video by GQ caught my eye - they sat down with chef and restaurateur Michael Chernow to talk shop about food and chef representations in movies. In this video, they break down scenes from Julia & Julia, Ratatouille, Chef, Burnt, and Cooking Up a Storm. Whether you love to cook, or simply love to eat, this video will give you some helpful tips on all things food and how to present it in movies.
As always here at Stage 32, we love to share stories and knowledge with our fellow film fans. Know someone who would love this content? Share it with them! Tag them below! You can keep up with all of our content by subscribing to the Stage 32 YouTube. For more inspirational, educational, and motivational content on all things entertainment industry follow me on Instagram and Twitter @rbwalksintoabar.
Wishing you a very happy, healthy, & creative Sunday.
Ponysmasher - Filmmaking Tools I Use (and Even Cheaper Alternatives)
GQ - Pro Chef Breaks Down Scenes from Movies
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About the Author

Richard "RB" Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Richard "RB" Botto has created the online platform and marketplace designed to democratize the entertainment industry, Stage 32. By leveling the playing field for all film, television and digital content creators and professionals worldwide, Stage 32 provides networking and training opportunities as...