How to Film Safely During COVID

How to Film Safely During COVID

How to Film Safely During COVID

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
4 years ago

Happy Saturday Stage 32!

As many of you may know, I host an Instagram LIVE every week on @stage32online highlighting some amazing Stage 32 members from all over the world. Recently, I have had the distinct pleasure of speaking with two of our members that have successfully filmed (COVID-free!) during the pandemic.

First up - cinematographer, director, and screenwriter Emily Skye shot her proof-of-concept short film River back in May 2020 in North Carolina. The short has already been accepted into over 25 festivals, and won several awards including best cinematography. Through the success of the short film, Emily secured funding for the feature-length version of River (way to go Emily!!). As of this very week, Emily wrapped a 9-day feature film shoot - congrats to Emily and her power-house team! In our Instagram Live, we talked about:

  • How to nail pandemic pre-production
  • What it was like shooting during COVID times
  • How to keep your cast & crew safe and healthy on set
  • ... and more!

Next up - screenwriter, director, and producer Connor Pannell recently shot an international pilot, Black Creek, that is on the cutting edge of production health and safety. Connor and his writing/producing partner Michael Goitanich are a shining beacon of what you can accomplish in entertainment, no matter where you live. Connor is based in Atlanta, Georgia, while Michael is based in Toronto, Canada. They successfully co-wrote, planned, and produced their entire pilot across international borders (how amazing is that!). Then in August, Michael produced remotely from Canada, while Connor directed their pilot in Georgia. With a cast and crew of 30 people (one of which was flown in from LA) - they are crazy jazzed to report they had zero cases of COVID. Some of the things we talk about in our Instagram Live:

  • How to write/produce a pilot across international borders
  • A thorough dive into on-set health and safety precautions
  • What film production safety protocols will look like post-COVID
  • ... and more!

Click HERE to Watch Emily's Instagram Live!

How to Film Safely During COVID

Click HERE to Watch Connor's Instagram Live!

How to Film Safely During COVID

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About the Author

Taylor C. Baker

Taylor C. Baker

Actor, Screenwriter, Content Creator, Producer

On-screen, you can find me on the award-winning digital series "Female Friendly", which I had the pleasure of co-creating and writing as well. Additionally, my dimples graced the tv-sphere on "Lucifer", where I played a southern roller derby queen opposite of the devil himself on Fox/Netflix. My n...

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