
Cinematography Stage 32 Blogs

Building a Community & Member Experience: RB Botto on the Be Customer Led Podcast

Happy Thursday Stage 32! Our fearless leader and CEO, Richard "RB" Botto recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the Be Customer Led Podcast. In this exclusive podcast interview RB discusses How to Build a Community and Member Experience. Specifically, RB talks about his personal journey and experience founding Stage 32 and growing the community to over 800,000 members worldwide. Here is a sneak peek: “You have to inspire yourself every day. Even if you had a massively bad day be...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
Building a Community & Member Experience: RB Botto on the Be Customer Led Podcast

How To Make Deals in Hollywood without Getting Hustled

Hello, readers of Stage 32! My name is Tennyson E. Stead, I’ve been working in entertainment all my life, and I’ve written more than 50 screenplays - many of them as a ghostwriter, which means a vastly disproportionate portion of my writing is both paid and uncredited work. In fact, a huge number of my professional decisions have involved compromises that I think a lot of writers would balk at, and certainly I’m constantly making decisions that draw rigorous, interrogative concern from my collea...

Tennyson Stead
Tennyson Stead
3 years ago
How To Make Deals in Hollywood without Getting Hustled

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of THE LOST CITY & Guidelines for Writing Adventure Scripts

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, Stream Wars has put together a great behind the scenes look at the making of Paramount's new film The Lost City. This video features interviews with stars Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, Daniel Radcliffe and filmmakers Aaron & Adam Nee.  Next up, Lessons from a Screenplay takes a dive into the...

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of THE LOST CITY & Guidelines for Writing Adventure Scripts

Pond5 and Stage 32 Join Forces to Bring Value to Your Filmmaking

    On the heels of our announcement last week about offering more opportunities to our filmmakers and cinematographers, Stage 32 is thrilled to partner with Pond5, the leader in royalty-free stock media. Together we are combining our efforts to serve the global creative community and give you all the tools you need to bring value to your filmmaking and succeed.           What is Pond5? Pond5 is the world’s largest video-first content marketplace, with over 30 million royalty-fr...

Pond5 and Stage 32 Join Forces to Bring Value to Your Filmmaking

How Living in a Small Country Helped My Film Career

Making It Soft rolling hills stretch endlessly before my bedroom window. The sky is grey most days, but sometimes it explodes in the brightest blue. Just there, beyond the trees, the Irish Sea thrashes endlessly upon the shore, wave after wave, beckoning… Ah… Ireland. So far away from anything even remotely Hollywood. And just a 5 minute walk from where I live, my little village hosted one of the biggest productions of 2021. Disney came, spent 10 million dollars on set design and left m...

Ronika Merl
Ronika Merl
3 years ago
How Living in a Small Country Helped My Film Career

Coffee & Content: Hardest Lesson I Learned as a Filmmaker and When & How to Find an Acting Agent

Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, Film Riot shares an insightful video about the hardest lesson they have learned in their filmmaking journey. Additionally, this video answers other filmmaking questions such as how to make your film stand out, whether or not a DSLR is a good investment, and more.  Next up, actor and Stage 32 member Mathew Cornwell has a great s...

Coffee & Content: Hardest Lesson I Learned as a Filmmaker and When & How to Find an Acting Agent

5 Ways Research Your Way to the Top with IMDb Pro

IMDb- Internet Movie Database, is the top search engine for Hollywood. The first place we go to validate someone’s credentials and experience is IMDb. Whether you are an actor, director, writer, producer, grip, makeup artist, cinematographer, or editor- more than likely you have a profile on the site with your resume. However, the main website only goes so far, and so deep. The membership component of IMDb Pro gives you access to more proprietary information that is not known to the general pu...

5 Ways Research Your Way to the Top with IMDb Pro

Misadventures of a Newbie Filmmaker: Raising Money

It all started so well. In October 2021, I was on a call with a Director of Programming from a European broadcaster (small but very interesting for my target audience). He said “I like your concept, I want to spread more awareness about renewable energy. Your project fits perfectly”. OH MY GOD! It was happening.   Then, he finished the meeting with “I want this for April 2022 and we can’t really fund the project. So you need to find the money.” While my mind was still dancing, my mo...

Misadventures of a Newbie Filmmaker: Raising Money

Introducing the New Stage 32 Android App!

Happy Wednesday Stage 32! Since, 2011 all of us here at Stage 32 have been working tirelessly to make Stage 32 even more accessible and beneficial for our members all over the world. Last year, we released our completely remodeled iOS App so that you could have all the same benefits of desktop Stage 32 at your fingertips.  Now, I am thrilled to announce that our freshly minted Android App is officially live and available to download! Android users everywhere can now have access to unparallel...

Amanda Toney
Amanda Toney
3 years ago
Introducing the New Stage 32 Android App!

Your Reel is Your Calling Card: Introducing Reel Review for Actors, Filmmakers and Cinematographers

Hello Stage 32 Community! Today I am excited to share some incredible news with you. You already know that for the last 11 years, Stage 32 has been the leader in access, education and opportunities for creatives around the globe who have a goal of pursuing a career in the Entertainment Industry. We’re on the cutting edge of the industry - working hand in hand with Industry Professionals who want to help you. The most rewarding part of being the Director of Development Services is helping ta...

Jason Mirch
Jason Mirch
3 years ago
Your Reel is Your Calling Card: Introducing Reel Review for Actors, Filmmakers and Cinematographers
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