
Cinematography Stage 32 Blogs

Coffee & Content: How Aaron Sorkin Creates Musical Dialogue & Roger Deakins on Practical Lighting

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, our friends at StudioBinder recently released a video exploring how cinematographer Roger Deakins (1917, Skyfall, Blade Runner 2045, No Country for Old Men) uses practical lighting in his work. This video explains what practical lighting is, how you can achieve a "natural" look on camera, how blo...

Coffee & Content: How Aaron Sorkin Creates Musical Dialogue & Roger Deakins on Practical Lighting

How to Succeed in the Entertainment Industry in 2021

Happy Saturday Stage 32!   As many of you know, our fearless leader and CEO Richard "RB" Botto regularly hosts "Ask Me Anything" webinars. RB's AMA's are packed with inspirational, no-bs shop talk about all aspects of the entertainment industry.    Naturally, there was no better way to say hasta la vista to 2020 and hello to 2021 than with a special Ask Me Anything" F@#$ 2020 Edition from RB. I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the highlights that are sure to help you conti...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
4 years ago
How to Succeed in the Entertainment Industry in 2021

The Entertainment Industry, Health, and You

In this third blog installment I am going to discuss something very serious and it affects everyone whether they are in the film industry or not - our health. During these extra-ordinary times all of us in the entertainment industry are going though various levels of struggle with some of us not being able to work for months. Being mindful about our wellbeing is of paramount importance as we go through our day to day activities.I am in no way any part of the medical profession. As you may know I...

Navid Lancaster
Navid Lancaster
4 years ago
The Entertainment Industry, Health, and You

Coffee & Content: How Phoebe Dynevor Got Cast in BRIDGERTON & How to Deal with Creative Burnout

Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, the casting site Backstage recently did an interview with Phoebe Dynevor, the star of Netflix's smash hit Bridgerton. As you may have heard if you keep up with the trades (which I always highly recommend!), with over 65 million households having watched Bridgerton in it's first month - Netflix has already given the green ligh...

Coffee & Content: How Phoebe Dynevor Got Cast in BRIDGERTON & How to Deal with Creative Burnout

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You

As we move away from the burst of energy and enthusiasm from the New Year, moving forward with creative projects can seem daunting. You can write the resolutions down, but will they remain words on a page? You can assemble the vision boards, but will you remain faithful to your priorities? You may even celebrate the victories, but will you be able to keep up the trend? Each of our creative journeys is indirect, winding, and with a laundry list of poor choices waiting to be employed. What keep...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Lounge Posts - Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You

How to Present Yourself Online to Book Jobs in the Entertainment Industry

It actually makes more sense in the 21st century to be using the old expression, “Watching the phone.” In this day and age of smartphones we actually can see when a call is coming in. It makes you wonder what people were hoping to see when they’d stare at the phone on the wall or the unit that sat on the desk back in the day. But if you find yourself nodding off because your Android or iPhone is neither ringing nor having texts come in, it very likely could be due to the way that you’ve presen...

Bruce Wawrzyniak
Bruce Wawrzyniak
4 years ago
How to Present Yourself Online to Book Jobs in the Entertainment Industry

Now Showing: Burbank International Film Festival Features & Shorts on Stage 32 Screenings

Hello Creative Army! As you all know, Stage 32 Screenings was born in March of 2020 in the wake of the cancellation of SXSW. Our initiative has since been covered by Deadline, Variety, CNN, and dozens more. We are currently screening over nearly 200 features, shorts, and episodic pilots from SXSW, Tribeca, SeriesFest, Vail Film Festival, BFI: Flare London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival, and Telluride Mountainfilm Documentary Festival to our network of over 6,000 invited sales agents, distributors, mana...

Now Showing: Burbank International Film Festival Features & Shorts on Stage 32 Screenings

Top 10 Lounge Posts: 2021 Begins with Learning by Doing

Happiest of New Years, Stage 32-ers! I hope you all are taking it easy after the holiday excitement, but I also hope you’ve set your sights on conquering your creative journey! Crawling. Striding. Dancing. However you find yourself in the New Year, I hope you’ve had quality time with loved ones, time to reflect on the past year, and found inspiration for how to move forward this year. Wait… how DO we move forward? The creative journey and the professional journey are not too dissimilar -...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Lounge Posts: 2021 Begins with Learning by Doing

2020 Entertainment Business Overview & What to Expect in 2021

Long-time Stage 32 member, blog contributor, webinar teacher, and international film & distribution aficionado, David Zannoni has series of exclusive Stage 32 blogs and vlogs to keep you up-to-date on the business of film across the globe. Today, David gives an overview of the entertainment business in 2020, and lets you know what you expect in 2021 in his exclusive Stage 32 vlog. You will learn about: How theaters and studios are dealing with pandemic movie theater closures The massive a...

David Zannoni
David Zannoni
4 years ago
2020 Entertainment Business Overview  & What to Expect in 2021

Don't Hesitate - How to Conquer Your Entertainment Career in 2021

Hesitation is the death of progression.  Twelve years ago, I was walking through the halls at Lawrence Technological University when I came upon a flyer for a student group that put on play productions. With no experience and a lot of curiosity, I quietly stepped into their Thursday night meeting nervous as hell. In fact, nervousness is an understatement as I was scared shitless. Thinking back, this small and simple decision would set the foundation and help shape my life for the next decade...

Sean LaFollette
Sean LaFollette
4 years ago
Don't Hesitate - How to Conquer Your Entertainment Career in 2021
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