
Cinematography Stage 32 Blogs

Polish TV in the World: How, What, and Where to Watch

Last year’s Polish films, TV shows and entertainment industry developed quite fast – leading world film companies buy Polish films or even remake them, polish actors and directors become famous, and popular abroad. No matter where you are in the world, it is essential to know what types of content work in different markets in hopes to procure the coveted "international audience" that big studio movies chase. To illustrate the Polish entertainment market, I decided to analyze the way of Polish...

Polish TV in the World: How, What, and Where to Watch

Coffee & Content: 3 Simple Horror Effects & How to Terrify the Audience

Happy Haunting Season Stage 32! With Halloween just around the corner and pumpkin flavored everything on the shelves of Trader Joe's I saw it fit to bring you Coffee & Content: Halloween edition. Today's content is jam-packed with tips and tricks for taking your horror projects to the next level. Grab your piping hot PSL (or some black coffee) and let's dive in.  First up, the editing wizards over at have curated a quick and easy guide to three haunting visual and practical effec...

Coffee & Content: 3 Simple Horror Effects & How to Terrify the Audience

Creativity in Quarantine: How I Made a TV Show During Lockdown

It has long been said that laughter is the best medicine. Comedy provides a way for people to cope with and alleviate stress, anxiety, and most of all remind us of better days. This past March, while California was shut down during ‘shelter in place,’ four bay area filmmakers (Sean O’Hare, Kevin Loader, Kevin Moore, and Roth Rind) wrote and produced the three episode comedy web series, “Quarantine in Pink.” It’s a story about three roommates surviving the perils of quarantine, a sketchy neigh...

Roth Rind
Roth Rind
4 years ago
Creativity in Quarantine: How I Made a TV Show During Lockdown

Coffee & Content: How to Shoot in Natural Light & Conveying Emotion through Film Tone

Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. Now, grab some fresh coffee and let's dive in to this week's fres...

Coffee & Content: How to Shoot in Natural Light & Conveying Emotion through Film Tone

Stage 32 Presents: Top Television Comedy Professionals Discuss The Current State of the TV Comedy Industry During COVID-19

Happy Saturday Stage 32 Community! On behalf of everyone here at Stage 32, I am thrilled to announce another free virtual event to help you stay up-to-date about the state of the TV comedy industry featuring some of the top writers, producers, and agents of the genre. We invite you to virtually join us on Monday, October 19th 1pm PST for our Top Television Comedy Professionals Discuss The Current State of the TV Comedy Industry During COVID-19. Register here. Seven months into COVID, comedy...

Harrison Glaser
Harrison Glaser
4 years ago
Stage 32 Presents: Top Television Comedy Professionals Discuss The Current State of the TV Comedy Industry During COVID-19

Shape Up Your Calling Card - The Importance of a Polished Stage 32 Profile

It’s the tedious but oh-so-necessary maintenance of being in this industry: online presentation. Just as we once toiled over the formatting and tone of a resume and cover letter, so now must we polish our profiles. Selling ourselves can be exhausting, but look at it this way - your Stage 32 profile is your invitation to play! We all love what we do, and we love meeting people that make the experience magical. Here’s your chance to set the tone for your fantasy-project-made-real! So, pour your fa...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Shape Up Your Calling Card - The Importance of a Polished Stage 32 Profile

How to Make a Short Film Over Zoom

ACT ONE: PANDEMIC, YOU SAY? Things were going great. We had just finished shooting our first horror feature film. I had spent the last four months working with the editor and now it was in the hands of our sound and colour experts when… calamity struck, in the shape of our old friend Covid-19. Allow me to explain. Under the banner of Vamoose Productions, our newly formed production company based in Manchester, England, we had just finished our first feature film, the realistic urban vampire...

Eric Ian Steele
Eric Ian Steele
4 years ago
How to Make a Short Film Over Zoom

Coffee & Content: How to Create a Great Characters & Free Resources for Making Short Films

Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee and hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, the folks over at The Closer Look have put together a short video essay about how to create strong, memorable characters. This video uses Sherlock Holmes, Batman, Darth Vader, Bilbo Baggins, and Superman as examples. When writing, filming, or performing a character, The Closer Look explains how and why you think about the charac...

Coffee & Content: How to Create a Great Characters & Free Resources for Making Short Films

Top 10 Stage 32 Lounge Posts: Network While You Work

Did anyone else sing “Network While You Work” to the tune of “Whistle While You Work”? Only film geeks, amiright? Or maybe it’s only Disney geeks? With less than three months left in 2020, it is so gratifying to hear so many projects are moving into production (utilizing COVID compliance safety precautions, of course). Major films and shows, local businesses, and of course the intrepid independent sets as well, all finding a way to move steadily forward. With more jobs, it also means it is tim...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Stage 32 Lounge Posts: Network While You Work

Why Authenticity & Passion Should Drive Your Filmmaking Career

Through the struggle on the way towards the goal. Why some plans could end broken but “the Dream” must keep pulsating. I’m actually really happy to be asked from Stage 32 to write another article, trying to share something good and offering the opportunity to recognize, together, our common humanity and vulnerability as filmmakers. And maybe as human beings. Rather than pretending to be an expert in anything, or introducing myself in a way that doesn’t interest anybody in here, it’s importan...

Why Authenticity & Passion Should Drive Your Filmmaking Career
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