Top 10 Lounge Posts - Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago

As we move away from the burst of energy and enthusiasm from the New Year, moving forward with creative projects can seem daunting. You can write the resolutions down, but will they remain words on a page? You can assemble the vision boards, but will you remain faithful to your priorities? You may even celebrate the victories, but will you be able to keep up the trend?

Each of our creative journeys is indirect, winding, and with a laundry list of poor choices waiting to be employed. What keeps us oriented? What helps us stay the course? It’s not the list or the plan. It’s not the poster board with scrap magazine cut-outs or the “receipts” of past successes. No, we are only able to keep going because of the people we meet along the way.

I will confess, I love meeting new people! Perhaps I enjoy the chance encounter even more so than keeping up with people I’ve recently met, but not everyone becomes energized by the prospect of social interaction. The hardest part of this industry is sincerely that it is not designed to be a solo art form. With the greatest script, the most dynamic storyboards, the most charismatic cast, and knowledgeable crew, your project can still crumble beneath your feet from poor care and attention to the people who ensure its success.

The best way to practice your social skills is in a safe space, like a community of other creatives! Our top lounge posts really delve into some of the best advice I’ve ever heeded when it comes to meeting new people:


No matter what your skill level is, no one wants to work with someone who is insincere nor a chore to be around. These posts are a great reminder that being authentically yourself is the best way to engage with those around you.

1. ACTING: Actors = Life Blood (Just saying…) by Greg Anderson

  • An epic post in support of the very people we need to make our scripts come to life!

2. ANIMATION: Didn’t Make It to Semifinals by Hagop Kane Boughazian

  • There is a Stage32 Success Stories Lounge, but you can absolutely reach out to the community when you’re feeling knocked down - we’re here to lift you back up!

3. INTRODUCE YOURSELF: Stage 32 Blogger, Screenwriter, Author and Show Host by Rashika Robers

  • Positive energy and well wishes are always well-received, so if you have nothing else you wish to post to introduce yourself, this is a great way to start a conversation!

4. INTRODUCE YOURSELF: Introducing Myself by Allison Lopez

  • Introductions don’t have to be sales pitches, and this is a great example of how one’s attitude can set the tone for building a relationship.

Top 10 Lounge Posts  Meeting People is a Chance to Be Authentically You


No matter where you are on your creative journey, it is always worth it to ask.

5. ACTING: Getting Into Voice Acting by Tahachi Hardrick

  • We all start somewhere, and those first steps can be boosted by your responses to lounge posts!

6. FILMMAKING: What Do You Do by Lucas Millhouse

  • When you’re feeling stuck, why not reach out and get to know others’ process? Even if you don’t take the advice, you may make a friend on the way!

7. FILMMAKING: Ripomatic by Jacob Siciliano

  • A not-so-common question, but a great opportunity to learn from the community about a powerful tool to pitch a script!


It’s easy to think of the media industry as an ego trip, but when you recognize both the work and the other people involved in the making of it, then you actually give back by showing off.

8. ANIMATION: Concept Artists by Kay Ross

  • Posting links to your website or reel is restricted to your profile or the Your Stage Lounge UNLESS someone asks for those links - in which case, time to show off or recommend your favorite collaborators!

9. TRANSMEDIA: 2250ad - a transmedia project by Ian Buchanan

  • Did y’all know we have a Transmedia Lounge? This is for discussions about multi-platform content - games, books, comic books, etc. And this member has some serious cool art to check out! It’s like behind-the-scenes on pre-visualization but before the final product has been released.


Every victory can feel like the beginning of a new challenge, but reaching out for advice can be the reassurance needed to bolster you. No need to wait for the panic attack!

10. SCREENWRITING: Question for the Optioned Writers by Nick Assunto

  • We’re all on this creative journey together, and each success can bring up a new challenge. Why not reach out with both!

No matter the social atrophy you may be experiencing, you are always welcome to start the conversation in the Stage 32 Lounges! Not sure where to start? You can DM me or email me at For now, why not start with the links above? Click, read, comment, and start a post of your own! I look forward to seeing each of you in the lounges!

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About the Author

Karen "Kay" Ross

Karen "Kay" Ross

Filmmaker, Producer, Screenwriter, Script Consultant, Voice Actor, Actor

Kay Ross is an actor, producer, writer, and champion for the "inner teenager.” While being a producer on a television show like Netflix’s “Sex Education” would be a dream realized, for now, she kicks ass on shorts, features, and hosts a weekly IGLive to empower creatives called “The Victory Round.”...

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