Coffee & Content: How Phoebe Dynevor Got Cast in BRIDGERTON & How to Deal with Creative Burnout

Coffee & Content: How Phoebe Dynevor Got Cast in BRIDGERTON & How to Deal with Creative Burnout

Happy Sunday Creative Army!
I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in.
First up, the casting site Backstage recently did an interview with Phoebe Dynevor, the star of Netflix's smash hit Bridgerton. As you may have heard if you keep up with the trades (which I always highly recommend!), with over 65 million households having watched Bridgerton in it's first month - Netflix has already given the green light for season two of this lavish regency-era period piece. In this video, Phoebe talks about the process of auditioning in front of Shondaland founder Shonda Rhimes (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal), how she prepared for the role, and more.
Next up, the folks over at Film Riot have put together a helpful video on how to deal with creative burnout that we all feel at one point or another while working in the entertainment industry. As the CEO of Stage 32 and a working screenwriter & producer, I have a lot of plates spinning - and I often get asked during my Ask Me Anything's here on Stage 32 how I handle it all. This video from Film Riot is a great reminder to take time for yourself to reset and get back to your creative happy place. To know more about how I personally balance multiple projects, follow me on Instagram @rbwalksintoabar and check out this AMA clip.
As always here at Stage 32, we love to share stories and knowledge with our fellow film fans. Know someone who would love this content? Share it with them! Tag them below! You can keep up with all of our content by subscribing to the Stage 32 YouTube. For more inspirational, educational, and motivational content on all things entertainment industry follow me on Instagram and Twitter @rbwalksintoabar.
Wishing you a very happy, healthy, & creative Sunday.
Backstage - How Phoebe Dynevor Got Cast in BRIDGERTON
Film Riot - How to Deal with Creative Burnout
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About the Author

Richard "RB" Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Richard "RB" Botto has created the online platform and marketplace designed to democratize the entertainment industry, Stage 32. By leveling the playing field for all film, television and digital content creators and professionals worldwide, Stage 32 provides networking and training opportunities as...