Stage 32 Has Been My Most Significant Guiding Force

Stage 32 Has Been My Most Significant Guiding Force

In 2021 I woke up one Saturday morning and decided to turn the memoir I was writing into a TV series. I’d never tried screenwriting before and had no idea where the inspiration came from – but was determined to make it happen.
“How To Write A Screenplay”
I started Googling, “How to write a screenplay.” I found a few free online courses, read a few scripts, and dove right in. Within a few days I had completed my first TV Pilot – however awfully written it may have been!
“Now What?”
The next thought of course was, “Now what?” So, I wrote to a friend’s sister who’s a high-level Exec at a major studio, and asked for advice. Her immediate response was, “Join Stage 32.” This weekend while I was at the Austin Film Festival I had a chance to reflect on my decision to take her advice.
What started as a hobby has turned into something that drives me like no other ambition or career path ever has. I do love my day job – I work in a nonprofit that builds permanent supportive housing and does street outreach with homeless New Yorkers. It’s a rewarding and fulfilling career for sure. And up until now, I’ve always pretty much been able to achieve what I set out to with regard to school and work. But man…this making TV shows thing is a lot harder than I could have imagined.
Stage 32 Has Been My Most Significant Guiding Force!
Through it all, Stage 32 has been the most significant guiding force. I’ve met so many supportive, inspirational, creatives via this platform. The Writers’ Room perks like the Wednesday Webcast Pitch Tanks, Executive Hours, Open Writing Assignments, Script Breakdowns, etc. have been priceless (literally…you get free access to all of this with your membership!) in helping me to find a way forward. And I’m really, really glad I was pointed in this direction.
Our Annual Austin Film Festival Weekend!
The connections I’ve made in Austin can all be attributed to my membership at Stage 32. Some other members and I have had a group that hangs out together for the past three years – and each year we welcome new people into the fold. I’ve used other film-related platforms of course, but I always end up back at Stage 32. The personal, direct interaction among staff and members here is like no other.
So, if you’re new and trying to consider whether or not to join, I can’t say strongly enough – join now. Take full advantage of all that is here to help. Stage 32’s CEO, Richard “RB” Botto, and his crew truly want us all to succeed and celebrate when we do. If you do decide to join, please send me a connection request, introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself lounge, and let us know that you're here in the Writer's Room VIP lounge.
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About the Author

Lisa Isaacson
Born & raised in Cleveland, Ohio Lisa now lives in New York City with her husband Saul, & their 3 cats. Lisa’s pilot episode of the 60-minute dramedy, Vintrospection, made “2nd Rounder” in Austin Film Festival’s screenplay competition 2022/2023 among other accolades. Lisa’s also written two feat...