
Financing Stage 32 Blogs

How Writing a Stage 32 Blog Helped Me Get Distribution for My Transmedia Film Project

I wanted to share my experience with other filmmakers on how posting a Stage 32 blog helped me get distribution for my transmedia film project. Part 1 About four months ago in the transmedia lounge, they were having a discussion on transmedia. So, I shared how I was developing my transmedia project Black Salt from comic book to crowd funding for my proof-of-concept film, to video game. Karen Ross, the Community Manager at Stage 32, told me my transmedia journey would make an excellent blog...

Owen Ratliff
Owen Ratliff
3 years ago
How Writing a Stage 32 Blog Helped Me Get Distribution for My Transmedia Film Project

Coffee & Content: What Makes a Great Screen Villain & How to Book and Nail Meetings

Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. Now, grab some fresh coffee and let's dive into this week's conte...

Coffee & Content: What Makes a Great Screen Villain & How to Book and Nail Meetings

How to Attract Allies in the Film Industry: The New Approach to Goal-Setting

Have you ever fallen in creative love? Perhaps you idly chat about your favorite director (like this fun getting-to-know-you post), only to discover that you both love their most obscure film the most. Over your first coffee date, you playfully square off about who has the worst set stories, but you share a laugh over the resiliency it takes to keep going. Now you're about to start a project and your new creative ally is firmly entrenched in your corner. 'How in the world did I get so fortunate?...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
3 years ago
How to Attract Allies in the Film Industry: The New Approach to Goal-Setting

How To Handle Advice and Critique

Happy New Year, Stage 32! Last month, I wrote a pilot and a feature in my labors as a script doctor and ghostwriter… and in the final tally, I wound up writing 6 pilots and nine features in 2021. Just one of these films was under my own name. Going into 2022, my goal is to make enough headway with my own spec sales, films in development, and transmedia projects that I can charge more, work less, and focus on what I have to give the audience. If I can get my sci-fi heist feature into productio...

Tennyson Stead
Tennyson Stead
3 years ago
How To Handle Advice and Critique

Authority Magazine: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became A Filmmaker, an interview with Richard “RB” Botto of Stage 32

Happy Wednesday Stage 32! Since 2011, the Stage 32 team has been working tirelessly to help you stay connected, creative, motivated, and informed. As always, we are committed to bringing you networking opportunities, education and mentoring from top-level industry executives and professionals, and access to decision-makers around the globe all from the comfort of your own home. Recently our efforts have been noticed by the media in a big way. We are incredibly proud and honored that Stage 32...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
Authority Magazine: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became A Filmmaker, an interview with Richard “RB” Botto of Stage 32

The Importance of Sales Projections for Your Film

Sales projections are essential for an independent production. It gives an indication as to the commercial value of the project and eventually, the revenue expectations, which is important for financiers. Sales projections may start at development level. Once at production stage or when there is a finished film and a sales agent is engaged, the production will have a more precise indication. The sales agent typically issues formal high to low sales estimates. In this weeks vlog, I talk more...

David Zannoni
David Zannoni
3 years ago
The Importance of Sales Projections for Your Film

Film Funding: The Independent Producer And the PPM/LLC

In the late 1990’s, I was asked to be involved with a film that was to be funded via a Private Placement Memorandum/an LLC. My company was to be the worldwide sales agent for the film, which was budgeted at about $1.2 million. I read the script and also reviewed the film package (writer/director/actors/producers etc) and the production budget. I did my due diligence on the film project. I liked the project, the genre and pace of the script etc., so I was happy to provide revenue estimates fo...

John Rodsett
John Rodsett
3 years ago
Film Funding: The Independent Producer And the PPM/LLC

Voyage LA: Exploring Life & Business with Stage 32 CEO Richard Botto

Happy Wednesday Creative Army! Stage 32's continued mission is to democratize the entertainment business and the industry is taking notice in a big way. We are incredibly proud and honored that Stage 32 has been featured recently in Forbes Magazine, Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, and more. Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with Voyage LA about how and why Stage 32 was born over ten years ago.  Specifically, I spoke with them about my journey in the industry, how Stage 32 came ab...

Voyage LA: Exploring Life & Business with Stage 32 CEO Richard Botto

KATAKATA, A Nigerian and U.S. Collaboration was Born on Stage 32 - Success Story Update

The Chaos (Katakata) Continues It has been nine (9) months since director Newton Barabara of NBS Studios yelled “Cut” on the set of ‘KATAKATA,’ his first international collaboration. After the film wrapped, he immediately placed a video call to his collaborators in the United States. His exact words were “We did it!” recalls Stage 32-members, Art Thomas of Main Man Films LLC™ and Kevin Shand of Pedras Productions™. The ‘it’ Barabara referred to is the impressive impact and meaningful convers...

Arthur O. Thomas
Arthur O. Thomas
3 years ago
KATAKATA, A Nigerian and U.S. Collaboration was Born on Stage 32 - Success Story Update

Designing Your Creative Year in 2022: Plotting vs. Pantsing

It must be the storyteller in me, but I love endings and beginnings. December and January are my two favorite months of the year, in part because of the way they invite us to pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed. I’m a planner and a goal-setter by nature and by practice, and I thought I’d share with you how I design my creative year by approaching it like a story. As I’m sure you’ve all discovered, there’s a long-standing divide in the writing world between those who wr...

Designing Your Creative Year in 2022: Plotting vs. Pantsing
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